Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Justice Devotional - Church and Children

Devotion to Justice
A series of devotions from the Justice table on the topics of
  • Women and children
  • Hunger and poverty
  • Creation care
  • Immigration
Church and Children
Matthew 12:18

In 2004, the National Council of Churches put out a Comprehensive Policy Statement, “The Church and Children: Vision and Goals for the 21st Century”.

The statement focuses on and encourages churches to
• include children in their full worship life;
• support loving and safe families;
• advocate for access to excellent public education, health care, economic security;
• work for a violence-free society that is emotionally and physically safe; and
• nurture healthy child development by ensuring that all children have access to the arts, culture, and recreation.

So often when churches think of pursuing justice, we think of liberating those in prison, feeding the poor, pursuing peace...all very good things. But are churches thinking of how they can find justice for children? Are they taking the steps to ensure the goals stated above? If so, how? If not, why?

The study guide offered here: is a resource for congregations to start looking at the question of justice for children and what amazing implications might follow if the church embraced these goals. It is my prayer that all churches will look at children as full members of the body of Christ, that they might take seriously what children have to teach us about the Kingdom of God, and that they might strive to bring justice to children in situations where it is so desperately needed.

Rev. Olivia Stewart Robertson: Minister of Family and Children’s Ministries
Disciples Home Missions Women and Children

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