Friday, May 1, 2015

Stewardship Letter

Growing Forward,

What a momentous time in the life of our church!

It seems like just a few weeks ago that you received a letter about the building expansion with Yellow Brick Road. In it, we asked the church to donate or pledge funds for a construction loan down payment. It was an audacious moment. We’re a vibrant, but small congregation. Time was short. The ask was substantial. You responded, though, allowing the church reach its $50,000 fundraising goal!

Therefore, we’ve sent in our loan application to Church Extension, confident in our building design, construction plan, and financial situation. We’re simply waiting for their consideration and (God willing!) approval so we can get the building going. Then the real work begins, amen?!

That’s why I’m writing again today. The impact this building project will have on our church and neighborhood will be substantial. Seventeen low-income families annually receiving critical child care assistance to change their kids’- and family’s- future paths and dreams! Open space in our building again- finally!- to design new ministry offerings so neighbors can meet, grow and shine with us. We’ll have opportunity to freshen up our hospitality, boost our community profile, deepen our story of helping build God’s Kingdom in our midst.

But what that takes, you surely know, is the ongoing support and financial commitment of Plymouth Creek members and friends. Together, we did something extra and special to lift the building expansion off the ground. Together, we’ll need to continue to maintain or increase our regular tithes and offerings for the church’s operating budget.
We all know that, at first glance, giving to ensure bills and salaries are paid, office materials purchased, mailing costs covered, isn’t as exciting as securing needed services for poor children. Except we also know that nothing else we take pride in here- quality music and choir, a weekly bus ministry for members and guests, a full and poised-for-expansion community garden- can transpire if the annual budget isn’t met. We do that year after year through your generous, courageous giving. And we’re on the cusp of a new chapter where growth in ministry, membership and spiritual depth is before us, if we’re prepared to seize the opportunity.

So throughout May, we’ll think together about that fundamental Christian task of stewardship. Then, we’ll ask that you turn in pledge cards on or before May 24th. The church fiscal year ends May 31. We’ll need a new budget, therefore, to vote on at the annual congregational meeting in mid-June. Building that works best if we know the amount of donations we’ll receive next year. Hence, this letter.

Will you pray about the ongoing support you can provide Plymouth Creek next year? It would be great if you can increase what you did last year. Whatever your situation, though, please fill out the form at the bottom of this letter, detach it and either put it in the offering plate soon or mail it to the church office.

And thank you for your generous commitment to this church, to what God continues to accomplish through our efforts! With your time, treasures, talents and dreams, we are growing forward in pursuit of Christ’s call for us to love and serve and shine.

Grace and Peace,

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