Friday, January 27, 2017

What do you KNOW?

What do you KNOW?

Bill Spangler-Dunning 
Regional Minister

Published in Jan-Feb 2017 Disciples Together Express

When I was a child I never knew about classism until I overheard people talking about “how sad it was that nothing good would ever come from my family because my parents were too poor.” 

Now, I cannot un-know that! 

When I was a child I never knew about sexism until I overheard a clergy say to my wife that she was not allowed to preach at the community thanksgiving service because “God does not call Women to be ministers.” 
Now, I cannot un-know that! 

When I was a child I never knew about racism until I overheard one of my teachers say, “Black kids are just not as smart.” 
Now, I cannot un-know that! 

Up until last week when I visited Standing Rock Reservation I never knew how much hatred people can have for others who have a different story.  That is until I received a note on facebook telling me how deceitful and selfish those “Indian people” can be and I should not “Waste my time with them.” 
Now I cannot un-know that!

Dear Church we are a people who say we are A MOVEMENT FOR WHOLENESS IN A FRAGMENTED WORLD.  We say we are a people who know the stories of Jesus who always stood with the poor, the outcasts, the women, the gentiles, the blind, the lepers, the sick and all others who were vulnerable and excluded by the bullies of life.   
 We cannot UNKNOW these stories!  

O people of the Church,
let ‘what we KNOW’
effect deeply our
actions in this world!

Bill Spangler-Dunning, Standing Rock, ND

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