Thursday, August 22, 2013

2013 School for Congregational Learning

2013 School for Congregational Learning
Celebrate the Adventure

Saturday, September 7, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Spirit of Joy Christian Church
7570 210th St. W
Lakeville, MN 55044

The Minnesota School for Congregational Learning Event will be made up of morning and afternoon worship and workshop experiences to be held all together. All gathered will remain together for a workshop experience so that we may reap the most benefit from relationship connection and renewal. Disciples of Christ churches in the area have experienced much transition in the past five years and it’s time to reconnect!

Worship both morning and afternoon will feature keynote preacher Rev. Dr. Bryan Feille, recently retired from Brite Divinity School, he continues to minister and teach in deeply authentic and connectional ways. With his help we’ll celebrate the adventure of being church!

During a morning workshop session, each congregation will be invited to present a 10 minute story, with a Google Slides or PowerPoint presentation telling how they came to be.

•What vision first inspired founding peoples to become a church?
•Were you a Bible study group that grew, an intentional mission church plant, a splinter from another congregation, a righteous remnant, a child raised up and sent, or ...?
•What do we need to know about where you came from in order to know who you are today?

These will be the questions the morning workshop will explore.

At lunch in the larger lower level community room, people will be asked to sit at tables with folks from others congregations to the extent possible and invite individual sharing and storytelling around the meal.

Following lunch, we’ll return to the sanctuary for an afternoon workshop session, this time focused on:

where each congregation is going;
what lies ahead;
what mission beckons;
and what needs have been identified that we’re trying to meet in our communities?

This won’t be a time for bragging but for sharing what excites each church moving forward. It won’t be a time to talk about obstacles, dead-ends, or false starts. The idea is that we may inspire each other with mission we can celebrate, mission that we can share together as we Celebrate the Adventure and explore our future stories together.

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